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I'm Suzy of Simply by Suzy, and I'm so happy you're here at my blog because I can't wait to serve you with lots of good stuff like a peek into all of my favorite photoshoots for clients, freebies and resources on motherhood, how to get more connected with your life, and how to take beautiful pictures of it. 

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chicago baby photographers | elliott

Filed in: kids

It has been such a long time since I’ve seen sweet little Elliott (case in point, the blog preview I did for our last session was on my old website!), and while she has changed so much physically she is still the happy, curious baby whom I remember from just one year ago.  I still can’t believe how much of a difference just 365 days makes and how quickly kids grow and change in that time.  Her once bald head is now filled with long blonde hair, her gummy mouth is now filled with tiny little teefers, she loves to brush her teeth in the morning and will talk your ear off with the most adorably unintelligible jibberish I’ve heard (I’m predicting she will be just as much of a chatterbox as myself!), and while she once could only crawl and pull herself up to stand, she can now walk and even run in circles around you.  *sigh* The only downside to my job is that it is continually making me oh so acutely aware of the fragility of our time on this Earth… but the upside is that I am also constantly reminded of how beautiful our lives here are because of the loved ones we’re able to spend that small blip of time with.

Anyway, enough ranting about the passages of time (as I seem to do so often lol).  Thanks Elliott for getting up so early and spending your morning with me having breakfast, counting pumpkins and going to the park. Can’t wait to see you again next year!


comments +

  1. Kate says:

    *melts my heart*

    PS – Your ‘passages on time’ are one the best parts of reading your blog.

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