Photography Education for Parents



Pregnancy & Newborn

Birth & Fresh48



I'm Suzy of Simply by Suzy, and I'm so happy you're here at my blog because I can't wait to serve you with lots of good stuff like a peek into all of my favorite photoshoots for clients, freebies and resources on motherhood, how to get more connected with your life, and how to take beautiful pictures of it. 

HELLO friend, thank YOU for joining me

the blog

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The Experience


About suzy





open post

Picking outfits, getting your kids to behave, the sheer logistics of getting ready and out the door, cleaning up perfectly... planning a big amazing photoshoot of your family can seem daunting and stressful for some. Read about an alternative way to approach your family photoshoot experience so it's easy and FUN.

redefining the family photoshoot experience


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best nyc family photographers

Recently I had the pleasure of doing a little mini session at home with one of my favorite clients – Jacq Gould (who is the owner of Your Inner Babe, and a treasure to women everywhere). Jacq told me all about how special Valentine’s Day was for her and her mom throughout her childhood. So […]

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This blog post is for you if you’re interested in getting to know me more deeply as a person or photographer… or if you’d like to connect with me over the hardships of parenting. I once was told that you should share from a scar not a wound, but today I am sharing from a […]

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This blog entry is simply for those who wish to understand me as a person or a photographer better… or perhaps relate to an experience of grief and loss.. This week I was reminded of the time my dad called me and told me was going to die. It’s strange… when you first lose someone […]

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To be honest, I’m one of those people that has loathed having a photoshoot done of my family (I have 2 scorpio children and a gemini if that explains anything). Well, actually, I should clarify that I started to loathe having photos taken of us after we had our second child and things became more […]

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top lifestyle family photographers in chicago

It took me 13 years, but I finally hired a virtual assistant – her name is Jen Madigan and she is the BEST. Last year was the first full year I had her as part of my team and just like everyone told me I would feel, I wish I had done it so much […]

Follow along for more about photography, motherhood and life behind the scenes with my own family.


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