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chicago wedding photographers | 40 years of love

Filed in: events, wedding

Remember Sandy & Kent?  Well their daughter was kind enough to get in touch with me months ago asking if I would photograph a surprise celebration she was planning for her parents’ 40th anniversary.  I suggested we also do a little portrait session before hand so that I could get to know S&K better (though I was so nervous I would accidentally ruin the surprise somehow, as I’m terrible at keeping secrets!).  We talked about how they first met, how Sandy instantly fell in love with Kent’s two-tone saddle shoes, and what are the secrets to having a marriage full of love even after 40 years.  Out of the all the things they said were key to their marital bliss, the one that struck me most was that you have to accept that there are days or moments where you wont always like the other person and that this is completely normal.  I totally agree and have always felt that people nowadays marry solely because they “love the other person” but sometimes that passionate, butterflies-in-your-tummy feeling isn’t always present and all too often these same people confuse that with the idea that because they’re no longer “in love,” it must mean that it’s time to give up and separate.  Good love is the hardest to come by and even more hard work to maintain, but worth every second of trouble and hardship that you might face along the way.

Needless to say, after meeting these two I was even more excited to document their surprise anniversary celebration.  Their love is so powerful that just being in its presence makes you feel hopeful for what’s to come in your own life, it is truly so inspiring.  As for the celebration itself, it couldn’t have gone any better.  When Sandy & Kent first entered the church, they  They were greeted by all of their closest family and friends who cheered and hugged them down the aisle and after a short blessing of the hands, we all headed over to Lovells in Lake Forest for cocktails, dinner and fun.  Our hearts were warmed as we listened to Sandy & Kent’s son talk about how truly lucky him and his sister are for having the most amazing parents; and we laughed as the Turkey Club reunited one more time.  It was an incredible evening and I’m so thankful that I was able to be a part of it all.  So with that said, thank you SO much Amanda, Ernie, Sandy, Kent, & Ted for allowing me to share in your family’s love, even if but for one night…

.. and even after 40 years, you can see that not much has really changed :o)

comments +

  1. laura kemp says:

    love these 🙂

  2. Stacy M. says:

    AMAZING! I can see the love in the photos! I loved the one of the high five! Job well done!

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