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chicago baby shower photographers | baby blessing.

Filed in: Uncategorized

A friend and owner of Chicago’s very own TipsyCake contacted me a couple months ago asking if she could ‘gift’ me to her friends to document their baby shower, and I am so glad that she did.  It was my very first Indian baby shower & blessing and while I absolutely love experiencing new cultures and traditions, I was a teensy bit nervous.. what if I missed something important because I didn’t know it was important?  But any nerves or anxiousness I had was immediately alleviated when I knocked on the door and was introduced to dad-to-be who gave me a quick run-through of what was going on and told me to make myself at home and take pictures of anything I wanted to, stand anywhere I needed to, whatever I needed..  He told me that they loved pictures and as long as I capture how beautiful his wife is, I would do a great job 🙂  The next two hours of the blessing felt like a blur as I maneuvered my way through the crowd, standing on top of things, literally taking pictures of everything I could until my hands were sore.  There was dancing, a blessing, prayers, laughs, and jewelry (lots of beautiful jewelry!).  And overall the day was filled with so much beauty, the colors were so vibrant and everything from the clothing to the flowers was wonderfully ornate.  After the blessing was finished, I went outside for a few minutes with mom and dad for pictures of just them before heading off to India House for the baby shower.  Everything about the day was fun, beautiful and made me feel incredibly special to be a part of it.

I am so excited to share but a few favorite moments of mine from that day with this family.  Thank you so much Amit & Neha and all of your family & friends for not only allowing me the privilege of capturing this for you but also for your kindness and warm hospitality to me throughout the entire day.  Congrats and so excited to hear when baby arrives! XO

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chicago baby blessing photographers

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above: the vibrant colors and ornate details of the blessing had me hypnotized. It was so unbelievably beautiful. 

best pregnancy photographers in chicago

chicago pregnancy photographers

top pregnancy photographers in chicago

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comments +

  1. Jill says:

    The color is gorgeous! Gorgeous work Suzy!

  2. Joanna says:

    How cool to be able to capture that! I love all the vibrant colors and the moments you captured. What an awesome thing to be a part of!

  3. What a special time you captured for this family…beautiful!!!

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