Photography Education for Parents
Pregnancy & Newborn
Birth & Fresh48
I'm Suzy of Simply by Suzy, and I'm so happy you're here at my blog because I can't wait to serve you with lots of good stuff like a peek into all of my favorite photoshoots for clients, freebies and resources on motherhood, how to get more connected with your life, and how to take beautiful pictures of it.
Picking outfits, getting your kids to behave, the sheer logistics of getting ready and out the door, cleaning up perfectly... planning a big amazing photoshoot of your family can seem daunting and stressful for some. Read about an alternative way to approach your family photoshoot experience so it's easy and FUN.
I don’t know if it’s possible to ever translate just how special I feel about this family through photos, but I think this is pretty close. xoxo
Katie Driscoll is an amazing woman, championing to change the face of beauty. After she had her daughter Grace, who has Down Syndrome, Katie dedicated herself to pushing companies to include children with special needs in their advertising and marketing campaigns. I was lucky enough to spend the morning getting to know her and her six kiddos […]
The second shoot I did for my BLUSH collaboration with Monica & Andy was with one of Chicago’s top publicists – Sam Berngard of Boldface Communications. Sam is also part of Monica’s team and is due with her own little guy this September so we’d have it no other way than to feature her in our […]
Follow along for more about photography, motherhood and life behind the scenes with my own family.