Photography Education for Parents
Pregnancy & Newborn
Birth & Fresh48
I'm Suzy of Simply by Suzy, and I'm so happy you're here at my blog because I can't wait to serve you with lots of good stuff like a peek into all of my favorite photoshoots for clients, freebies and resources on motherhood, how to get more connected with your life, and how to take beautiful pictures of it.
Picking outfits, getting your kids to behave, the sheer logistics of getting ready and out the door, cleaning up perfectly... planning a big amazing photoshoot of your family can seem daunting and stressful for some. Read about an alternative way to approach your family photoshoot experience so it's easy and FUN.
Oh hey! Baby Clara is here 🙂 (click HERE to see some of the insanely beautiful photos we took when she was still her mama’s tummy) xoxo
Birth is something that comes up a lot at my sessions since I work with so many new parents.  Specifically, I often get asked about the home births that I attend. Usually some where in the conversation it gets said how scary it seems, what if something were to go wrong? This ever present misconception […]
When asking mom about what she hoped to get most out of spending time with me and my camera, she said she really wanted to just walk around their neighborhood and take pictures around the city so that one day when Mabel looks back on these photographs she can see where she came from and […]
I don’t share many events I photograph, not sure why.. but I thought this was a good one to start with 🙂 This slideshow features highlights from Kona’s Greek baptism, which took place at my favorite Greek Orthodox church – St. Andrew’s.  Once you look through the slideshow I think you’ll agree that it goes […]
Follow along for more about photography, motherhood and life behind the scenes with my own family.