Photography Education for Parents



Pregnancy & Newborn

Birth & Fresh48



I'm Suzy of Simply by Suzy, and I'm so happy you're here at my blog because I can't wait to serve you with lots of good stuff like a peek into all of my favorite photoshoots for clients, freebies and resources on motherhood, how to get more connected with your life, and how to take beautiful pictures of it. 

HELLO friend, thank YOU for joining me

the blog

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The Experience


About suzy





open post

Picking outfits, getting your kids to behave, the sheer logistics of getting ready and out the door, cleaning up perfectly... planning a big amazing photoshoot of your family can seem daunting and stressful for some. Read about an alternative way to approach your family photoshoot experience so it's easy and FUN.

redefining the family photoshoot experience


Filed in: baby, family, film


chicago family photographers

We hung out and gave the boys their morning bottles. We let them bang their hands on the table and eat their lunch.. Mom & dad even had some fresh fruit/yogurt and coffee for me to enjoy while the boys ate (and as I write this blog post I’m kicking myself for not photographing the […]

Filed in: family, film, newborn


Truly I will never forget this day… ….. back again for round two. I was determined to capture this silhouette of a bird that was in their window, and only at the right placement for about 10 minutes each day (clearly I missed it the first time around). And then I missed it on the […]

Filed in: family, film, kids


chicago family photographers

I was *this* close to just writing a simple ‘happy birthday’ wish to this mama’s Facebook wall, and then I thought, hey! Why not make a happy birthday blog post instead? Yeah, so much cooler 😉 Sooo with that being said, happy birthday to an incredibly hip, centered, beautiful and loving mama who booked this […]

Filed in: family, film, kids


chicago family photographers

Every Spring and Fall my friends and I started making a tradition of getting together for photos, because really you can never have too many great photos of your family 😉 (she is as lovely as her photography by the way, which you can see some of her work HERE). Simply put, these five are […]

Filed in: family, film, newborn


chicago newborn photographers

So many thoughts swirling through my head today and every day lately as we’ve had the most chaotic month (though another story for another day).. .. but to give you a picture of what my life is like in this very moment… I’m sitting in front of the computer gently bouncing myself on the exercise […]

Follow along for more about photography, motherhood and life behind the scenes with my own family.


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