Photography Education for Parents
Pregnancy & Newborn
Birth & Fresh48
I'm Suzy of Simply by Suzy, and I'm so happy you're here at my blog because I can't wait to serve you with lots of good stuff like a peek into all of my favorite photoshoots for clients, freebies and resources on motherhood, how to get more connected with your life, and how to take beautiful pictures of it.
Picking outfits, getting your kids to behave, the sheer logistics of getting ready and out the door, cleaning up perfectly... planning a big amazing photoshoot of your family can seem daunting and stressful for some. Read about an alternative way to approach your family photoshoot experience so it's easy and FUN.
.. Vasili. About a month ago, when Vasili and I both had a night off and we were trying to think of what we should do together, he said to me, “Let’s pull out the crock pot and learn how to use it, just for fun.” Um, excuse me? The crock pot? Just for fun?! […]
I figured I’d start the thankful traditions of Thanksgiving a little early and share a few highlights of the past week that I could definitely say I’m thankful for…. * One of my dearest friends, Jenn and her family. I went over to their place the other night to help celebrate their baby Cora’s first […]
Vasili and I are HUGE breakfast people. Truly if we could eat any meal of the day for the rest of our lives, it would definitely be breakfast. Also food is one of the few things that we let ourselves splurge on and enjoy together as we both are total foodies. So the other week […]
There are all sorts of movies and books that depict angels, ghosts and other outer-worldly beings that invisibly remain among us. If that were true, what do you think they would be doing all day long? I think my favorite theory of this is the movie, City of Angels with Nicholas Cage and Meg Ryan […]
I can’t believe that this year.. lil’ J turned 2. And this time around J’s mom and I thought it would be fun to keep the tradition of spending her birthday together hanging out and getting a cupcake just like last year (by the way, did you know J’s mama is the founder of Bump […]
Follow along for more about photography, motherhood and life behind the scenes with my own family.